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Monday, February 24, 2014

Star Trek Into Darkness (PG-13)

OMFG. Am I the only one who really wanted this film to be worth its salt and yet got what I could have viewed through multiple clips throughout YouTube and save myself the $20 price?

I cheered for the bad guy the entire way ~ yes a Benedict Cumberbatch supporter ~ and I really cheered Khan on when "future Spock" arrived to give current Spock the inside. It's like me swiping the answers to the SAT's and then pretending to be surprised I got into any college of my choice. WTF?

If they baddies crew was frozen and can only be opened by a secret code ~ are they not so into the future to have code breakers? So one or two die in the process of trying ~ oopsie. Why not say "Hello Khan, while your in our prison why not give us the code and we will open one or two of your buddies." 

There maybe a lot to learn from them ~ don't have to defrost all of them like hot pockets ~ and by now know how to refreeze them if they get out of line.

You would also think Khan wouldn't really need to grab a Sherlock Holmes type coat when everyone else is kind of dressed alike and freaking out. Just play it kewl and he could have blended in.

Kirk needs Khan's blood? Wouldn't there be some from that window he smashed it and why did Bones waste it all on some experiments when he might wanted to keep some as a sample to DNA just in case and to see "why is this guy so superhero-ish". Maybe he had some special gene that could even helped cure modern diseases? Never thought about that Doc when you had two spots of concern was over Kirk's health before chasing down the bad guy? "Dammit Jim, I'm a Doctor not a.." (apparently doctor who thinks two step ahead that he might want to hold on to a sample or take several. Khan had no issue giving up the first pint!

Also please tell me WTF is up with Chris Pine's eyes? Are they really that blue? Dim those suckers down! I was being distracted and missed several of the lines he gave.

Hey Scotty keep running around without anyone noticing an extra ship entering that base near Jupiter. "Sir ten went out, but somehow eleven came in." HELLO!

Watching the images of The Enterprise has always give me a little tingle or chill of excitement, but this time ~ not so much.

I love it when that chick The Admiral's daughter, scientist Carol Marcus got stomped on by Khan ~ she wanted to play with the big boys ~ she deserves to get her arse beat like one.

What is up with Spock & Uhura doing their 'give me a moment' bickering scene? Do that on your own time. Are officers allowed to date? I know most offices I've worked in ~ that's a frown upon just for that reason.

Summary: I think I rather have Khan squeeze my head to death because after watching this movie it would have been less painful. — feeling Ripped Off.