Life is just a Movie where You control the Story & I control the Reviews

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Thor (PG-13)

At first I thought ‘Not another comic come to life’ movie and then I watched Thor.  Watched it 3 times.  

First was for the fact that Chris Hemsworth is a hot piece of manly meat.

Second time was the story itself.  We watch as the almighty and arrogant Thor ~ son of Odin tries to take hold an entire kingdom before learning a lesson that he works for his people and not the other way around.  There is more than battles and not compromise.

All awhile we have his brother who has Issues of his own and tries to screw with big brothers head as he is banished to Earth with no Super Powers to play with, but being human.

Then we have a battle scene and wa-la the hard love scene never transpires, thank goodness, and Thor learns his lesson, defeats brother (kind of ~ clip at end of credits), and reunited with his home.

Third time was to both find the cameo by Stan Lee (comic creator) and what is wrong with the movie compared to the comic book.

Trust me the “problems” were so minor that you won’t complain much as you watch the story unfold.

Rent @ $9.99 ✓

Saturday, July 9, 2011

The A-Team (Unrated Extended Cut)

This movie is based on the 80’s hit TV show with the same name.  It was a show about how 4 Special Forces men were wrongly convicted of a crime and now use their military skills to help others in need.

In the movie for all the action and slim story line, which includes trying to clear their names there are a few flaws as you can assume (correctly) what is to happen in a particular scene.

However, if you love the TV show or even know the basics of the characters and back story it wasn’t ½ bad so RENT.

Zodiac (Rated R)

If your going to watch this movie for 21/2 hours then make sure you take a bathroom break first.

The movie draws on in slow-mo fashion to display all the evidence that were gathered and we watch as a young man’s obsession takes over his life.

Jake Gyllenhaal plays a cartoonist at a newspaper that falls into the trap of trying to uncover the Zodiac killer.

The movie gives great details of the span of time that his reign of terror endured and if you’ve ever need something to keep you company on a night you can’t sleep--get this movie.

The movie itself is fantastic on details and events on the times of the case, but way too long. 

However, if you really get involved in the young man’s plight trying to assist the police it will be all worth it.

The other thing that I didn’t care for the movie is what most movies have in them.  The ending has text you must read and because it was so tiny (even on a big screen) I had to rewind, get off the couch, and then read the follow-up details.


Zebra Lounge (Rated R)

Zebra Lounge is a movie thriller of the life of swingers.

When a regular couple tries to excite their sex lives they enter the world of swingers.

Sure they try the lifestyle with a couple they believe is "safe", but soon find out how twisted they really are.

Stephan Baldwin plays a nice looney tune and the on screen sex is mildly erotic.

This is a story of "the grass always seems greener on the other side" and "careful what you wish for" type story.

This is another $5 movie, but I'd skip it.

Zathura (PG)

If you liked the movie Jumanji then you will love this children approved movie that takes it one step further--to outer space.

This movie has been playing over and over on one of the movie channels so much that I just fell in love with it.

Pick it up to keep the kids and charming story for the adults to be entertained by.

You, Me and Dupree (PG-13)

Everyone has one-or knows someone who has one-that one friend that just never grew up.

You're swept into an adventure when a newlywed couple brings that friend into their lives.

The trailer doesn't do it justice on how funny this flick truly is.

Pick this up!

X-3: The Last Stand (PG-13)

As reviewing this movie I have the entire collection of this movie and I must say the installment of number three certainly didn't let me down.

The movie not only kept it true to the comic, but it stepped it up from X-2.  The action, even if it was computerized, seemly integrated itself into the story and action.

The producer/director had begun knocking off the main characters and made the not as known characters step up into the roles they were meant to play.  This will come in handy if they made a X-men 4 and you will already have an idea of their 'mutant powers'.

Even through a '4' would be appreciated I don't think its necessary.

This action flick will have you cheering on both the mutants and humans in different ways.


Woman on Top (Rated R)

The words you get what you pay for is never more true than buying this movie Woman on Top starring Penelope Cruz BC (Before Cruise). 

This is a movie about a woman with such motion sickness she must always be in control if its making love she must be on top of her lover and if she is to get into a moving vehicle she must be driving.

When her husband, played by the handsome Murilo Benicio, is caught cheating on her she takes her expert chef cooking and herself to visit her drag queen friend to begin anew.  To make sure the old relationship is over she calls upon some voodoo sea queen to make sure its final.

She's the star of the show and lead around as the hottest thing on the planet and picks up a chance to become a famous chef on television.  All the while when another man wants to move closer to her the husband is moving closer too...on finding where she ran off too.

Is true love stronger than even a voodoo queen?  Can these two work this out?

If you like Portuguese music, sung by Murilo, and is a fan of Penelope then get this, but if not then just skip this flick and use that $5.99 on a descent meal at McDonalds.  You'll get feel it's more worth wild than this movie.

Wild Hogs (PG-13)

What happens when middle-aged men who aren’t quite satisfied with their lives go on a blast to the past and go on a motorcycle trip?  Hilarity!

I was expecting this movie to be lame and I was quite surprised as I began laughing out loud from the very start.

There is a few surprise guest appearances and it this will make a great rental or purchase.

Wicker Park (PG-13)

Image how fate plays in our lives especially when it comes to love.  Now image how fate also joins forces with a person to help twist outcomes involving the heart.

Josh Hartnett plays a video repairman who falls in love with a woman (who looks way older than him even though they are like 5 years apart in real life) Diane Kruger (from Troy).

Josh character, Matthew is practically engaged to one woman, head over heals with another, and sleeps with yet another.

This movie explains from start to finish and then goes backwards to show how fate twisted this mans life around where you didn't take notice from before.

You get to see how all things came together and you have to wonder while your watching this entire movie, 'Will he get the girl he loves?'

The soundtrack is really wonderful to listen too and the extras aren't that super so wait until it moves down from the 'New Release' section to the regular racks.  But surely a good rental!

Why Did I Get Married (unrated)

This is not a 'movie' per say, but more of a stage production that you're watching.

Your engrossed into a story of how couples return to a retreat to remember why they love each other.

There is conflict when you watch a husband's degrading of his wife, a 'saved' couple tries to get involved and a single woman, who is the 'tramp' of the story.

This is a story that involves songs and church type messages about love, marriage, and minor parts at humor.

It's part of the Tyler Perry Collection of movies (and he's not an actor in it) but for a more laugh type movie pick up the movie that's more of a movie-not a stage movie.


White Noise (PG-13)

Within the first 10 minutes you'll get your first jump out of your skin and in the middle you will get your second.  After the second be prepared to turn on a light in the room just for comfort.

Michael Keaton proves you don't have to be "Batman" to put on a good performance.  He plays a man who tries to connect with his dead wife via audio/video equipment and ends up on a dangerous path.

Remember for every person seeking to do well there must be another seeking to do evil.

I don't want to give too much away, but the movie itself got me so mentally scared (for the rest of the night) that I didn't watch the extras that came with the movie.

A sure rental for those who 1.  Want to believe.  2.  Want a movie to open you mind to new possibilities.

White Chicks (Unrated & Uncut)

Two FBI agents must go undercover as two white socialites (like the Hilton sisters) and stop a kidnapping.

They do this without telling anyone.  Not telling anyone that they are the women in disguise and not even tell the women that they left back in a hotel recovering from minor facial injuries.

Did you like 'Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion' movie?  Then you will like this one.

In other words-you can wait for this to come down to the 5 dollar bin because it has made the greatest mistake all movies are capable of doing.  Letting the best parts run in the trailer.  You've seen the trailer-you've pretty much seen the movie.

Watchmen (Rated R)

What happens when people begin knocking off our Superheroes?

We watch a very long, very creative way of telling a story of the year 1985 where Richard Nixon is President.  Yeah that’s right.  This story isn’t true to form, nor does it make complete sense until it begin to unravel at the end.

It seems the only way to get America to believe in itself and the old Superheroes again is to create a reason for all to come together in tragedy.

This movie is a rental.  It is a movie that seems to flip from place to place in the story, however, each aspect does make sense at the end.

P.S.  It is the movie containing the ‘blue man’ who shows his butt or junk in every sense he’s in.

Wanted (Rated-R)

I love me some James McAvoy and like Angelina Jolie, but for some reason this movie with them together jus didn’t click for me.

At first, if your into crashes, guns, and devoted to the two main characters then go ahead and rent this movie, but for the twists in it--all but one were obvious to me.

I think it just took them to long to release this movie to have me feel anything, but a faint rental attached to it.

Wallace & Gromit The Curse of the Were Rabbit (G)

For an all ages film I found myself enjoying it as if a child would. 

It's a story about a 'nutty professor' type guy who is not only addicted to cheese, but is an inventor of wacky gadgets.

Wallace and his dog Gromit run a pest control company and due to an invention gone wrong their work just gotten a lot harder especially when its garden contest time.

They must solve the crime of the mysterious were rabbit.

This movie will have you hooked from start to finish whatever age you are.  Rent for sure, but if you have children you want to keep busy for an hour and 25 minutes purchase this flick.

Four out of Five Stars!

Wall-E (G)

This movie has very few words and you won’t miss it as you watch this robot laced story set in the future.

Wall-E is a robot programs to clean up Earth’s trash as everyone else is on a airship for a 5 year cruise.  On the cruise human’s every needs are met by robots doing everything for them as so human are getting lazy and overweight.

The humans were to stay in space until Earth is inhabitable again and when a scavenger robot, named Eve, finds the first plant (and Wall-E) she returns to the ship with proof that humans can return home.

Wall-E is seeking companionship besides his friend the cockroach, and sees it in Eve.

This is a wild adventure though more beeps and sounds than words and you will enjoy it more for it.

Rental, but get a copy if you have kids.

Walk the Line (PG-13)

Why didn't Joaquin Phoenix win for best Oscar for this role?  Because he was robbed!!!

Joaquin plays the "Man in Black" Johnny Cash and tells the story (at least the high and low lights) of his life.

Nearly in every scene Joaquin had the look and sound of Johnny Cash.

The movie appears to move slowly, but the story never stops being revealed to the viewer and you just want to keep watching.

You learn of Johnny's early years, brief military years, his marriage, his jail time, his drug addiction, and his love and devotion to not only his music, but the woman at his side-June Carter Cash.

This movie wasn't a laid out 'here is his life story' format, but you see what you need to put the pieces together.

This is a movie that you surely should rent, but also should have this in your own collection.

Van Helsing (PG-13)

Two thumbs way up and 5 out of 5 stars.  Whatever you do-GET THIS MOVIE-for your collection.

Van Helsing is a movie about a hunter, played by Hugh Jackman, who has no real known past, but currently has the job of tracking down-retrieving and returning to Rome bizarre creatures that endanger the human race.

Van Helsing is sent to Transylvania to help out a family that has been trying to be lifted from a curse dealing with Dracula.  If the heirs in the bloodline don't kill Dracula before the last one dies none of the line will be getting through the pearly gates.

We have action that any teenage boy would like; we have a heroine that can take a licking and still keep on ticking-a step above Lara Croft level.  We have mini-surprises that don't leave you in the dark for too long.  We have CGI (Computer Generated Images) that don't go over the top, but helps give the illusions to where they need to be.  We have monsters for the guys and a sexy Dracula (and Hugh) for the gals.

There is no "deep love story" to bring the movie down, no 'I can't believe that' parts of the movie, and there is no way you can stop the movie from it's 2 hours and 12 minutes to break for a snack, drink or bathroom break.  No foul language and mild violence that would come with the PG-13 rating.

You are sucked into this story from the beginning and you are in the ride for the entire time, until the very end.  The shots of the countryside are just enough and you will be thankful that they didn't cheese up the ending.

If they don't make a Van Helsing 2 (and it shouldn't be squealed) then this movie can and will stand on its own to be known as a wonderful film. 

The bloopers reveal mild funnies and how props never could keep together-the other stuff is features talking about the movie-never really watched those parts-but the movie was 15.99 and I would gladly (if I was richy rich) pay the $22.99 price that normal new releases are because this movie did not disappoint and I shall honestly say-Hugh was the actor that needed to play the part and he and Kate did an excellent job together.

Vacancy (Rated R)

If you want horror in a twisted way--go ahead and rent this movie.

We never learn what the true conflict of the couple is--something about a dead child??--and when they check into the modern dates ‘Bates’ Motel things getting nuttier.

What a better place to create snuff films then a out-of-the-way hotel on a deserted road where no one can hear you scream.

This couple must work together to survive.

Rent--but don’t let it be your first choice to rent of the night.

V for Vendetta (Rated R)

This movie will teach everyone, non-British, what the word Bollocks means because they say it over and over again.

However!  Don't let that put you off on this GREAT movie.  Movie of 2006 for sure. 

We have the main 'hero' of this movie whose been adapted from a graphic novel (and comic) that appears a combo of cape from Zorro, Phantom of the Opera's mask, the fighting style from The Matrix, and the Batman's cloak of darkness.

It's a movie set in the future, in England, where a lot of people have done a lot of bad things.  They have made England into a place where listening devices, corruption from a single government, and control over people's lives.

The hero, known as 'V' (later you'll find out why in the movie) is a man who is both villain and victim in this new society.

He pledges to help the people turn on their government by announcing he will be blowing up parliament a year from his announcement and they should all be there to witness it.

A rise of the theory 'People shouldn't be afraid of their governments, but governments should be afraid of their people.'

We grab the hero's sidekick a spunky woman named Evey who gets her eyes opened to his way of thinking.

This movie has so impacted me that I have watched the DVD like 20 times since I purchased it.  In many parts of the story it gave me chills.  And the mask expression that never changes seems to play into every emotion given in the scene my minor gestures in the actor.

GET THIS MOVIE!  All your friends will be talking about it and you don't want to be out of the loop!

Unleashed (Unrated)

This movie is set in Glasgow and it tells the story of a boy abused all around to become a one man-fighting machine for a ruthless 'master'.

He is caged like a dog, wears a collar like a dog, and is taken out as an enforcer for those not paying their 'protection money' and forced to engage in 'fight to the death' matches for money.

Morgan Freeman plays a blind man, who is a piano tuner, who he and his niece try to reform this man who breaks away for freedom.

He learns new things and how freedom feels great, until his 'master' comes to reclaim him.
This movie has some great action AND story moments where its in your face.  Jet Li's fancy craftwork is just as great as Jackie Chan's.

This movie reminds us---like a good piano-we must be tuned in our lives to work properly.


Unfaithful-R rated

This erotic thriller was not only worth the 20 bucks I paid for it, but would have paid $24.99 if I knew how good it was going to be.  The love scenes aren't too over complicated with love and nudity and the thriller part is all Richard Gere to carry and he did so well.

How far are you willing to stray into reality before returning to reality?  How far would you go for in a moment of loosing everything, you cover up a crime of passion?

If you rent one vhs/dvd to watch with a lover then pick this up and watch it right before bedtime!

Underworld Evolution (Rated R)

This movie is the sequel to Underworld where we also pick up the story of Selene.

Selene was once a warrior in the battle within the Vampire vs. Werewolf epic.

Now we find our heroine fighting for the man she loves, played by Scott Speedman, who is a hybrid of both Vampire and Werewolf.

The 'love story' doesn't take away from the action in the movie.

There is an ending where a 3rd edition of the movie going with the 'next generation' (i.e. baby between the two of them), but they can also end it with no need for a 3rd movie.

Rent and/or purchase if you got the first movie to keep your collection up-to-date.

Pro:  See Scott's Tush in love scene

Con:  2 'F' words and 1 'S' word dropped.

UltraViolet (unrated extended cut)

This movie is about a war.  A war between a government and the diseased-modified humans (vampires).

This is a bad version of Kill Bill movies where one woman can kill off hundreds of bad guys in one fight with several kicks and moves.


Twilight (PG-13)

This movie has to be for the next generation's of LOTR fans because I certainly wanted to stake myself as I watched it.

Did I mention that it's a story of young love between a girl and vampire?

The story itself is wonderful written, except has Vampires have no reflections (so how can he get photographed?), but the actors were just not the right fit.  It was like pulling fangs to get them to say the lines and even though it was set up for the audience to have the tense moment throughout the film it was just too slow.

The girl herself reminded me of Lindsay Lohan and the guy looked to old in the face and creepy young in the body.

Rent for the story, but the extra characters steal the movie and yes it sets itself up for a squeal.

Troy (Rated R)

This is a wonderful movie.  The clear action makes you feel as if you're in the thick of things and the viewing quality is fabulous!

You have to bypass several items, such as knowing these warriors can find enough wood, have the skills, and enough time to create the wooden horse.

Also you will also have to forgive Orlando's up close 'shocking' shot where he could be a little more in shock after seeing his brother, Hector fall in battle.

Or you can ask for more from Achilles (Brad Pitt) when he realizes his battle against a man who is blameless and who he feels a great warrior Hector, didn't deserve to die.  The few shed tears could have been less wussie appearing.

Perhaps when the story unfolds between Achilles mother and him they could do a quick flashback about how you can only kill him at the heel.

Eric Bana, playing Hector, really pulls this story along with his only choices being played out in the fate.

You wish the King had listened to his sons when the eldest first denied a second battle with the enemy and the youngest when the request to burn the wooden horse was followed out.

I felt this movie (even though the extras are minimal) was a great addition for your collections.  Each actor had their role and each played them well.  Ignore the languages spoken and concentrate on the battles and conflicts within each person in this tragedy and you will enjoy it too.

Transformers (PG-13)

This movie is fabulous! 

I had hoped it would introduce the main robot characters a little earlier, for those who didn’t recognize or know they, however, the story and seamless transformations from car to robot were wonderful.

There was a little too much of a side story about the ‘girl’ in the movie.  And the knowledge what would happen if a certain device would affect an Decepticons it does an Autobots sounds iffy, but just let your brain slip by that issue.

Purchase, but rent for sure.


What can I say?  I love the Turtles.

We pick up the story with this CGI educed story with one of the turtles off to find his inner leadership skills and then returning because of some ‘bag guy’ (not shredder, who isn’t seen in the entire movie) wants to resurrect the past and creative havoc on the city.

Good rental and purchase this for kids--old and young alike.


A group of archeologists must travel back to 14th century France to rescue their beloved professor who was transported back in time.

The group returns and must survive in the past until they can be transported back into their time.


1. When Gerard Butler is pushing Lady Clair in her rowboat.

2. When Gerard Butler make a excited reaction when his ear is sliced taking note that he's the one who is buried in his time married to Lady Clair.

3. When Gerard Butler knocks out Paul Walker when he tries to avenge his French friend who was accused and killed as a spy.

The history of the time is accurate, but it is the equal interaction of the entire cast that moves the story along.

From the one that stayed behind helping to bring them home to the one that stays behind to believe he is already home.

For adventure with mild violence, a small history lesson, and rare glimpses of the environment, except for the castle, this is your movie.

One problem:  Except one is more of a pixie than the other the two women in the movie should have had different hair coloring to help tell them apart.

When it comes down to the cheap-o section then YES pick it up!  For now it is a good rental.

I also didn't think Paul Walker wreck the movie at all.  I think it was a nice charming story where Gerard happen to have the most impact in the movie.

The extra's could have been mildly better.


So I must say Joel Schumacher can make a good movie as I watched "Tigerland" starring Colin Farrell.

A platoon of young soldiers prepares for Vietnam and must either survive basic training or just be prepare to die.

You're taken into the mind of these young men of their fears-their lives.

There is a butt shot, crotch shot, and behind the audition of Colin Farrell to enjoy.

This movie has come down to $5.99 and is one to have included in your collection.  It's not a hellish movie such as "Pearl Harbor" or "Black Hawk Down".

The Wild (G)

I expected this movie to be another version of the fantastic movie Madagascar, but they stepped it up a notch by added a soundtrack to the movie, however, sadly that's all they did to make it interesting.

The voice of Kiefer Sutherland was erotic, but so not the place for a Disney movie to have such thoughts.

If you need the youngsters to waste some time in front of a DVD this one is safe as any other, but only if Madagascar isn't available.

Other wise PASS!

The Weight of Water-R rated

What is the weight of water?  About 113 minutes of wine drinking/smoking/and seeing Elizabeth 1/2 naked for most of the movie on a boat that should have sunk instead of trying to keep this movie a float.

If you could have Sean Penn on screen without talking then he looked good.  This movie, however, has more twist and turns than any hair braid.

The movie is about a double murder back in 1873 of two women and no one solved it.  THEN surprise after all this time some chick investigates to find the "missing clue" to solve the murders.  After all this time you'd think someone would check the courthouse records room.....

This is a movie where you want to watch it once-kidnap the writer, producer, and director-bring them to your house, sit them down and ask what the heck is the movie suppose to be about and way did they spend any money on it.  Was it left over money to be piss down the drain, but insted they made this movie.

I could have made this movie better than it was-again Penn was nice to look at without sound-and there is a newbie Josh Lucas too keep an eye on.

Other from that if your men want to see this movie its for the Liz Hurley scenes and not because its "cutting edge".  Save your cash and your sanity.

The Spirit (PG-13)

From the creator of Sin City and 300 comes the new movie that is the worst in the lot of three that were ever made.

When a cop gets killed on the job it’s a great loss, but when a mad scientist tries a untested experiment on his body and brings him back to life it’s totally doesn’t come across as a movie to pick up.

It’s in the same style of Sin City’s black/white, but with a big red tie, but the story reminds me of the live action version of Batman and Robin without the talent or story worthy of a DVD.


The Spiderwick Chronicles (PG)

This movie brought to us by Nickelodeon (a children’s channel) is filled with enriched action and adventure based on mystical creatures.

It’s a story about a man who catalogs all the creatures from the unseeing eyes and how dangerous that knowledge that can be if it was to fall into the wrong hands.  Now 80 years later after the original author disappears his heirs arrive to take possession of the house and it’s contents, which includes the book.

At first I thought it was just a movie for teens, but I was quite surprised as I too enjoyed the fast paced action story.  There is a nice twist at the end and I recommend it for anyone who wants a water-down, but just as exciting version of Lord of the Rings style story to pick this up.

There is something for everyone to enjoy.  We have creatures, good verses evil, and even an ending that will yank at your heart strings and possibly make you tear up.


The Simpsons Movie (PG-13)

If you love the TV show then you will enjoy this movie.  You are so involved trying to get both the obvious and not so obvious jokes in the show that time will fly by without you even realizing it.

If you’re a Simpson’s nut then purchase this movie, however, if your not, then just rent or wait until it hit’s the $10.00 bargain bin.

The extras weren’t worth it-though I didn’t listen to the commentary’s.

The Serpent's Kiss-R rated

Ewan McGregor from 1997-plays a man who wants to create the ultimate masterpiece-not on canvas, but in landscaping.  Revenge planned not through him, but a man who wants the owners wife, his very own cousin!!  EU.

Revenge plot kind of goes aray when Ewan falls for the crazy daughter. 

When I first saw this movie the first ten minutes I looked at the "wife" and said, "That's Galen from Attila!" but as I did my research it wasn't, but damn near close.  Imagine Galen and Annette Benning having a child.

It's a period piece, but not like Sense and Sensibility was, but it will make others think you have culture.  The obvious players in the scheme is know to the viewer-and you'll just LOVE the way the bad guy dies in the movie.

It was from the $5 dollar rack to start and it was worth it.  So have about 2 hours to kill I say pick this movie up!

The Sentinel (PG-13)

Ever feel like your so close to retirement and the last thing you need is a frame up that you're a threat to the President of the United States, whom your sworn to protect.

This movie has some action, but I expected a lot more in the mean of the chase of 'one of their own' from the secret service.

Even the twist is a little unbelievable.

PASS, unless you like the TV show 24, but on a lower scale of action.

The Rundown (PG-13)

This movie stars Dwayne Johnson (The Rock) as a man who catches those who need to be caught.  He has something in his past where that effects his believe in not using guns. 

That's okay because The Rock is one tough mother-shut your mouth!

He has to go pick up his employers son, Seann William Scott, and gets caught up in a revolution, a mini-romance, and able to flex his acting skills to a surprising level.  He's doing action and not drama here, but don't be fooled because the man can act.

For kids 10 and older, especially boys is how I rate this with only one moment in the story where he says the S-word, but it comes out odd as he says it as he is drugged.  Oops before I say more I have to say GET THIS MOVIE.

There are tons of extras and you will just love the ending.

Overall:  TombRaider meets Indiana Jones.

The Ringer (PG-13)

This movie starring Johnny Knoxville is how one man in a jam for money will sink so low as doing something no one would ever suspect to do.  Try and fix the Special Olympic Games.

This movie's co-stars are all Special Olympic athletes and there is no digs or remarks making 'fun' of the Olympic games or the competitors.  Instead it is the story behind the message that you never know what a man is like until you walk a mile in their shoes.

The flow of the movie was smooth and just charming.


The Ringer (PG-13)

This movie starring Johnny Knoxville is how one man in a jam for money will sink so low as doing something no one would ever suspect to do.  Try and fix the Special Olympic Games.

This movie's co-stars are all Special Olympic athletes and there is no digs or remarks making 'fun' of the Olympic games or the competitors.  Instead it is the story behind the message that you never know what a man is like until you walk a mile in their shoes.

The flow of the movie was smooth and just charming.


The Ring Two (Unrated Edition)

I never saw the first movie 'The Ring', but it has to be better than this one.

This movie explains further of the strange little girl that was killed in the well came to be.


The Recruit (Rated PG-13)

The Recruit

This is a story about a man Walter Burke (played by Al Pacino) who under the most bizarre pretenses recruits James Clayton (Colin Farrell) to join the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency).

There you get to see the inside of some training and gadgets they have and follow the story of Burke and Clayton as they have their own private one-on-one training story.

Now you must be a total Colin Farrell fan to enjoy all the face/close-up shots we get of the man and if you liked Al Pacino in a role that makes him look like he was one step-away from being homeless this movie is for you.

The plot is null-but the thrill ride of finding out everything of the story that's in the story is quite fun.  Who can you trust?  Even the basic moron can figure out most of the details of what's going on, but you're never truly in the know of whose telling and doing what as gospel.

I enjoyed the extra of 'Inside the CIA Training Program' with a man who's was in the CIA for the past 25 years telling you a little about his job.

Good-the twists and turns like any spy movie that you never know whom you can trust.

Bad-the love scene started off being hot, but in a flash its over.  What is up with that?  Also the co-star Bridget Moynahan (Layla) looks totally grungy looking during the night, but doing the sunshine daytime shots she's all dolled up to look rather nice.

The best part-once you watch the movie go back and listen to the director and Colin talk about the movie.  There are some gaps in the talk and they talk about the "crew" of the movie, but to hear some of the behind the scenes details and Colin being his traditional potty mouth was funny.

The worst part-Colin in some shots appears to look like a mixture of Brad Pitt with the hair and Carson Daily from MTV in the face.  When you get to the café scene when he's reading a book and he smiles at her and you pause the dvd tell me that doesn't look like Carson.

Overall-The intrigue and the suspense not necessary the actors themselves, I'd give the movie 3 out of 5 stars.  If you have a man around the house or if you have a father you need to buy a gift for and he likes Tom Clancy (but REALLY watered down Tom Clancy) action then I say get it for your collection.  I paid 21 bucks for it-wait until it comes down to $14.00 to get it.

The Prince & Me (PG)

This movie was already brought down to be placed in the 'bargain bin' and so I finally picked it up.

The typical story of a famous (or royal) person goes undercover as a regular person and then the truth finally comes out for the confortation.

However, its not its typical 'everything works out' story line, but it eventually does.

Pick up!

The Prestige (Rated R)

This movie is about a rivalry between two magicians that try to out do each other with the best magic trick.

However, as you're watching the story you never realize your part of the act.  In working with illusion and performance you're drawn in to these men's lives.

Then you also get to pull back the curtain on what really is going on and you will be certainly amazed and surprised of the twists.


The Pink Panther (2006)

Loosely based on the 1964 Peter Sellers original film, where the detective must solve the murder of a famous soccer coach and find out who stole the infamous Pink Panther diamond.

Just a charming family movie to purchase.

The Passion of the Christ (Rated R)

Mel Gibson's controversial movie hit The Passion of the Christ is breaking DVD records in America after surpassing sales of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

The film has reportedly sold nearly nine million copies during its first week in stores.  And one of those nine million was I.

The Passion of the Christ begins our story of Jesus is betrayed by his good buddy Judas and ends with his resurrection after they removed the rock from the cave.

Now most might not get the stories in the stories unless you've at least attended some catacusm classes or skimmed the Bible.  Such as the betrayal, the last supper, the Mary Magdalene story, the blood soaked shrouded, the carrying the cross, palm being placed down in his path, who was crucified with him, the temple coming down, and those who did or could do nothing to stop him from his destiny.

In the beginning of the movie and pretty much of the middle I felt anger towards those who sent these plans into motion and it wasn't even for the background of the people who refused to help Jesus.  It was more that they could have just let him go if they wanted too.

For the most part of this faced paced movie-it felt shorter that the 126 minutes-to me it felt more like a drama reenactment (that you see on crime shows) and a confirmation about what I have read and was taught about Jesus at that time.

It was not until they placed the first spike in his palm that I began to get teary eyed and really become emotionally involved.

There are no extras on my DVD-$19.99 price and there are some flashbacks, but that helps ease your eyes from the entire whipping and blood from the movie.  There are subtitles for those who don't know (Aramaic/Latin/Hebrew) and as you read them they don't distract from what is appearing on the screen.

A sure rental and if you need a movie to remember Jesus' love even in the face of such gruesomeness then pick it up for your collection.  Just remember for more on the love and life of Jesus-I'd suggest you'd read the book.  It's called 'The Bible' for those who want to search for it on

The Pacifier (PG-13)

This movie is everything I heard about and more.  This Disney flick IS for the entire family to enjoy.

Vin Diesel plays a Navy Seal who protects a regular family and coming from everything in perfect order as in the Navy to a chance of chaos as in life Vin must find the line to combine the two.

There were a lot of trailers played on TV for this movie and most of what you see is mixed matched from the actual scene, but it still is funny.  It's more of a charming funny than ha-ha funny.

You will enjoy both the charming and touchy feeling moments in the movie.  There are semi-good extras, but if you wait until it comes down in price then certainly add this to your collection.  It is a movie you can watch for yourself, with other family members, or even pop on when you're babysitting.

I like Vin in action films, but in this Disney comedy I truly know he can do these working with kids comedies too like a pro.

SPOILERS:  I thought in the movie since you don't see the scientist get killed he'd be brought back in the end, which would be just as nice as the ending they choose was.

And I never got that Vin's boss was dirty until the end.

The New World (PG-13)

If this movie is a view of the New World then I certainly don't care for it at all.

In 'The New World' we have the story of Captain John Smith and the native Pocahontas.

There is a love affair and you watch how even in the mist of all the differences their backgrounds hold-love was still strong enough to overcome any challenge.

This movie is more of an Artsy movie where you get a lot of voice over talking about 'feelings' and silent glances between actor/actresses and a lot of how 'mother earth' comes into play into life.

This movie is not a full blown love story, unless you want to believe that you can love, loose love, and find it another with another man in another way.

Like the tree whose limb breaks off-the tree still grows trying to reach even higher to the sun.


American Pie: The Naked Mile (unrated)

Adding to the already established childish pranks and adult situations of the American Pie serious-The Naked Mile continues its processors traditions.

What happens when your virgin girlfriend (who you've been dating for 2 years) gives you a free pass for a weekend to go crazy at a College Campus?


If you've already experienced or seen the life at Frats then you may just want to rent this watered down version of the real thing.

You have the addition of another Stifler family member and introducing little people into the creative process of the slapstick.

For the unrated version you get to see skin.


The Miracle Match (PG)

After using the weekend to get to Best Buy to plunk down my $24.99 I sure expected both a great movie and great extras.

I was short changed on one of them.

This movie that has been pushed back so many times for a release date to DVD has proven that some period pieces can be interesting and charming to watch.

Perhaps because of the familiar cast that I am charmed by the story and can bypass the dialog and just focus on the handsome men in the movie, but this is not true.

The USA spirit, which has always been alive in well, but not always heard as loud until we win from being underdogs, might not always show the wins, but it does show the strength in the people in the game and in the stands.

This movie has kept its fast paced action and even though in some shots it was comical to see Gerard being hit over and over with the ball it did live up to it's goal.

Unfortunately, it didn't live up to the Extra's by supplying no video or behind the movie features.  Was the St. Louis station not willing to supply the DVD (even for credit to their station) video about their film footage of the movie?

Could no one have a cast bios or movie feature of video of the movie that could have enhanced the money I spent on this movie?

Do I have to wait and see if the name change from 'The Game of their Lives' to 'The Miracle Match' also has a change from 'Regular DVD of the Movie' or 'Directors Cut of DVD of the Movie will everything the other didn't have' on it?

Purchase if you have also bought 'The Miracle' about the Hockey win from being underdogs, but only Rent if you want to watch a movie---and just a movie with no extras.

The Marine (unrated)

This is the movie involving WWE's John Cena.

This is a great action adventure with lots of blowing things up and punching matches.

It proves that when it comes to protecting your family the men in service never quit.

The only thing I found that he could need help on was his CPR skills.

RENT first-then decide if you want to OWN.

The Lizzie McGuire movie (Rated PG)

I give this movie a B+ and it's a True Family Film and it should be since it's a product of Disney.  You realize that when before the movie even gets to the menu there is ads for tons of other Disney collection stuff.

Taken from the television show, this movie brings us to graduation (from Jr. High) of Lizzie McGuire and her friend Gordo.  To add to the celebration they are off for a two weeks field trip to beautiful Rome Italy.

Upon out of the zillion and one chance (it is Disney fantasy after all) Lizzie is mistaken as a dead copy of a famous pop star.  The singing partner, Paolo, finds her and shows her his version of Italy.

Then later he tells her of a story of how to save the real singers career she (Lizzie) must continue to fake being the superstar and under the eyes of love she agrees.

The twist comes when the real singer comes back.

The soundtrack is great, the Britney Spears type ending will make you feel good about yourself.

Let me preference this as saying the Olsen Twins and this Hilary Duff are two young to be this rich.  Jealous?  You bet.  And even though I thought this movie would totally be too campy (and there is a few moments of those) I really got sucked into the story and enjoyed it.

If you wish to keep your children busy for 94 minutes and/or you want a movie that your all can watch and Disney-geek out too together-than this is it.  Add it to your collection-if not for the movie, but for the fabulous views of Rome.

The Libertine (Rated R)

This movie proves even the most handsome of men, Johnny Depp, can't win them all.

This movie is about an Earl whose over sexed as can be, even through he's married, and it doesn't matter whose he's with (men of women).

He falls in love with some actress from the stage and he writes some over the top 'adult' style play for the prude royals and then later because of his wild lifestyle--he dies.

If you were to take a drink every time a character uses the word p****(male member), whore or the 'C' word (a no-no word to say to a lady), you'd be slouched a 1/2 hour into this movie.


The last kiss (Rated R)

This is the longest touchy-feely movie that could possibly be out now on DVD.

We have in the title role as Michael, Zach Braff, best known as the guy on 'Scrubs', who is trying to keep his relationship with his pregnant girlfriend together as the others are crumbling around them.

We have the circle of Friends who have their own issues with their relationships and even a set of parents in the mix.

We have some topless shots, a girl on girl scene, a full-blown dude's butt shot, and some foul language thrown in for good measure.

If you woman is hassling you that you never rent a chick flick that deals with 'feelings' then get this one to shut her up.

For the ladies, just pass on renting all together and spend your money on something worth it-like yourself!  Haha.

The Lake House (PG)

The chemistries between Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock has never been denied as I always thought they would end up getting married to each other one day.

However, when it comes to pulling off a story in this movie they had an uphill battle.

When Alex (Keanu) is stuck in 2004 and Kate (Sandra) is in 2006 you'd think they'd be more freaked out about this issue.

The two star-crossed lovers communicate through a 'magical mailbox' where they pass letters and try to find ways to meet up.

I would believe this story if they would add the part where Keanu's character would ask for real information like the current stock market rates or ask her to send him a copy of the lotto numbers for his time.

This movie was set up as a romantic comedy, but they dragged the movie out so much that if they didn't 'meet' I would have been angry for getting this flick.

Rent this on a slow night or if you believe in fate/destiny.

The Italian Job (PG-13)

This is an excellent movie to prove then when criminals with different skills work together they can complete a major gold heist.  However, it also proves that you can never fully trust a criminal not to betray you.

Mark Wahlberg, Charlize Theron, and Edward Norton prove that payback never felt so good.

Edward Norton's character double-crosses his former mates, including mastermind Mark Wahlberg, and left them for dead high in the Alps.  Perhaps he should have taken the time out to fish out the bodies.  Only one doesn't survive.

A year passes and Mark Wahlberg's character finally tracks down Edward Norton's character and tries to recruit the help of safecracker Stella (played by Charlize Theron), who was the daughter of the dead crook.

Together they plot, plan, and use high-tech gadgets to retrieve the gold. 

The support cast is great and you feel that there really isn't a "star" of the movie.  It's like one big family with one goal in mind.

I paid $19.99 for this and its well worth the cash.  For tons of action with helicopters, trucks, boats, and mini coopers that will keep you glued to your seat until the final scene get this DVD.

Extra note:  The "Previews" on the DVD are first for the movie "Timeline" and then followed by "Tomb Raider 2".

The Incredibles (2 Disc Collectors Ed) (Rated PG)

I think the single disk with the movie would have been enough, but with the $20 dollar value for the 2 set it could be seen as worth it.

This is a movie about a family of super heroes that are called back into action when trouble arises.

This is a wonderful and charming film set to keep your attention (and any child's attention) in the face paced story.

This is a rental for sure.

The Illusionist (PG-13)

The powerful performances come from the great powerful cast of Giamatti, Norton, Biel, and Sewell.

Your brought into a slow, but steady paced, story of romance, magic, and drama.

You will have to decide what is real and what is an illusion.  How powerful is your sense of Faith and imagination when it comes to seeing images of the dead return or a tree grows from a single seed?

You watch a member of royalty being challenged by a commoner and then with the help of a confused police officer is brought into a world of deceit.

The last ten minutes wrapped the stuff you never first figured out when the story unfolds.

You can also listen to the director explain the illusions used in the movie that were details IN the movie.


The Hills have Eyes (Unrated)

Here's your plot:

New Mexico desert + miners that didn't want to move + forced underground + Nuclear bombing = movie.

I expected more from Wes Craven, but the gross, violent, gore, nutty people and has pets in this one.  I would say rent this, but I just can't say it in good conscience. 

Even in the end as the director commentary rolled he ended it implying there will be a part 2 to this movie.


The Game Plan (PG)

What happens when your on the brink of fame and you find out you had a child you know nothing about shows up at your door?

This movie has it toughing Family moments and we can watch the change in its main character, Dwayne “the rock” Johnson, as he must turn from ‘I’m a Celebrity’ to ‘I’m a Dad’.

This is one safe movie for both kids and adults to enjoy. 


The Fountain (Rated PG-13)

I thought I was a very spiritual person before watching this movie, but apparently I wasn’t enough spiritual to keep track of this movie.

It started on one level of a animal researcher trying to find a cure for cancerous brain tumors. 

We learn his job has become an obsession when we are told how his wife his wasting away with one.

An accident combination from a tree in a far-a-way jungle has brought what seems a cure for aging.

It was the twist of when we see the announcement that it fact the aging cure has cured the tumor in the animal--at the same time the wife dies.

I have been rambling because the actions of Hugh Jackman--a BALD Hugh--seems to be on some time of ‘acid trip’ where he is trying to find a way to deal with his wife’s death.

It was me wondering if the two years the project for the movie was down might have been a good idea if it stayed down forever.

I think the moral of the movie was one some level was--we are more than our bodies.  We live on in all things.


The English Patient (Rated R)

I know your asking why is she reviewing a 1996 movie and all I can tell you is that I haven’t seen this 9 Academy award winner movie until now.

This movie is about a map maker, a love affair, war time, and flashbacks.

There is a full nudity shot for the men and an interesting, yet not fully tear-jerker (for me at least), but a story about romance movie for the ladies.

It has the hottie Ralph Fiennes, a young Colin Firth and even Sayid from the TV show LOST.


The Devil Wears Prada (PG-13)

This movie was wonderfully written and acted.

The story of a woman has the button on the the world of fashion.

We follow a new intern who moves from country bumpkin type style to high fashion.  It is kind of rude that her 'Friends' sound more jealous of her status than proud that she's made it so far.

Those this is a great movie to purchase.

The Departed (Rated R)

This movie is so much more than its violent and vulgar content and so much more than cop verses criminal.

It's mole vs. mole and what happens when these two must cross paths.

The story doesn't give you enough time to feel the actual fear either mole have while doing their jobs, but the story fixes any issues you may have with the characters.

Each actor has taken the Boston accent to some different levels, but just get passed that and continue through with the story.

RENT-and if you put it in your budget-Purchase.  You don't need the 2 sets-the single DVD with the movie itself will be enough.

The Dark Knight (PG-13)

This movie is explosive and full of action!  If this DVD isn’t flying off the shelf it’s because many saw the original in the theatre.

We get reacquainted with Scarecrow and introduced to the beginning of Two-Face and early The Joker characters.

We watch as Batman must step aside as the super hero everyone must love to a man who must let others depend on themselves.

We learn how humanity must survive on the goodness of ourselves and as a society as a whole.

Don’t worry about learning the moral lines in the story because its mixed in with special car chases and explosions galore.

I can’t even see Heath Ledger behind The Joker’s image and if he didn’t win an award for his performance then shame on the academy because it was breathtaking, horrific, and on some level we have a little bit of Joker in all of us.

Luckily, for us we also have a little Batman in us too.


The Da Vinci Code (PG-13)

Do you think Jesus was just a man who did good works or was Jesus a divine person to walk among man?

You will show both sides of this question and will watch the twists and turns in the characters.

You will get the background stories to each side and with the help of subtitles (of those who don't understand French--The movie isn't done in French, but most of the action/characters speak it.  That's when the subtitles appear.) you will watch how several people justify and the lengths they go to make sure their side of the issue must win.

Based on Dan Brown's book this movie will draw you in to this mystery until the very end.


The Contender (Rated R)

This political thriller gives you a promise of a good inside of dirty politics and it delivers!

Image when the Vice-President of the United States dies and you as the President needs to find a new one.  Your choice is a woman.  Now imagine how your enemies don't want a woman in that office and how as a committee they do everything to discredit her trough her political issues, her family life, and her wild college past and displayed it through public hearings and the press.

This movie shows what dirty pool and what happens when the players of the game aren't as clear-cut on sides they are on and you got this wonderful, easy paced movie.

The entire cast played the role to the hilt, but not over the top and this movie is worthy of any person's collection.

Gary Oldman is in this movie, but he looks to old to gather any "gorgeous" photographs of him to use at the site.  But don't let his appearance of an older man fool you he has one powerful performance.

Warning:  Strong Sexual Content (just flashes and more talk than seeing it)

SPOILER:  If you read the dead woman's words as she's dying you can catch the main obvious motives of the governor.  She says:  "Help me!  Help me governor!"

The Chronicles of Riddick (Unrated Directors Cut)

Ok-who thought a sequel of this movie was needed?  It wasn't necessary.

'Pitch Black' had ended where the story was left with few unanswered questions, but they really weren't answered in this movie.

If you like Stargate-1 or CGI animations this movie is yours.  You have characters that never get reintroduced.

Bonus:  Judy Dench.

Negative:  Karl Urban with Mohawk hairdo and braded in the back.

There is a preview of the X-box game, which I haven't gotten too yet, but if Vin wants to make the cash he should keep his interest in video games and not sequels.


The Chronicles of Narnia Prince Caspian (PG)

Coming from the The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe back in 2005 this picks up the story from what occurred after the 4 main characters returned home.
They are called upon from the new Prince, who is in danger of being murdered to take his title, and they must battle to save the land once more.

This movie has the 300, Lord of the Rings, and magic from the first one and it compliments the original in an ‘next step’ of the story way.


The Butterfly Effect (Rated R)

When I first saw the star, Ashton Kutcher's, name I thought no way-not another comedy gone stupid, but I presently surprised that Ashton has pulled off this drama.

This movie about a man, who inherited a genetic gift/curse of being about to relive some past moments in his life and relive them to correct the mistakes.  One major issue-correcting the past has now changed the future.

This thriller keeps you glued to the very end.  Rental Only.

3 out of 5 Rating.

The Break-Up (PG-13)

The winner of the Razzie (the razzie is an award for the worst movie of the year) award is.....

The movie about a couple who just broke up and sharing a condo was set up to be like 'War of the Roses' flick, but it falls flat.

For this film guys can enjoy Jennifer Aniston (former Mrs. Brad Pitt) backside.  For the women our secret is revealed that we can get any man back with just crying over him.

Someone didn't learn about couples working together in a movie.

In conclusion, Vaughn and Aniston in 'the break-up' is the modern day version of Affleck and Lopez from 'Gigili'.

Even the ending was lame.  The alternative ending was half descent, but still over all....


The Brave One (Rated R)

Jodie Foster and Neevin Andrews (Sied from Lost) play a lovely couple who are victims of a violent crime leaving Jodie the only survivor.

Now that’s she’s back on her feet she’s in a vigliante mood and she’s goes on correcting some wrongs to help out the police by knocking off scum bags.

Also she’s interacting emotionally with a police officer as she also seeks out the ones who killed her man.

There are some questions within the story, such as, how can she track down the killers before the police do?  How can she become a ‘better shot’ without even going to target practice?  Why did she stop even after finding her own lovers killers?

Wait until it comes down to 10 bucks to purchase, but if you can take those questions out of your brain-it’s a very dark and interesting movie.

The Bourne Identity (PG-13)

The Bourne Identity is a good flick to rent-but not own, unless you enjoy a good movie that is a mix of Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Segull, and The Rock in 'Walking Tall'.

This is a story of an assassin that has a major problem-he has amnesia and can't remember anything!  Not a good deal for an assassin, huh?

We pick up the love interest and tons of fight scenes, a car chase (like in 'The Italian Job' movie with Mark Wahlburg) and the plot really much simple.

The alternative ending blows and the behind the scenes are not worth shelling out any extra for the DVD just to review.

The movie itself is fast paced and will have you glued to your seat for the entire time only surprising you on some points.

1. How we are introduced to the Italian assassin to come for Matt's character.  Will knock you off balance.

2. We learn an assisgn called 'The Professor' played brilliantly by one of our own; Clive Owen is one that must wear glasses to knock someone off.  Should assassins need to wear glasses to see their target?

3. We also learn no matter how many times (twice, I believe) that a bad guy (Clive) gets shot-his glasses never falls from his face.

There are some points that just leave gaps that hopefully the sequel 'The Bourne Supremacy' will fill in on.

Let's just hope the sequel isn't 'You killed my wife and kids and now I've come to kill you' type of story line.  Now that isn't wouldn't be original.

PS-If you buy the $19.99 DVD (with sticker on cover) you get a free movie ticket (up to $10.50) to see The Bourne Supremacy.


The Big Tease (Rated R)

If its true that Gerard selects his movies based on humor and not on how much he can get paid for a movie than this role would have been perfect for him. 

The Big Tease is a story of a Scottish, gay hairdresser, played by Craig Ferguson (from the Drew Carey Show) who is being filled by a documentary crew on his trip to LA to compete in the stylists competition for the big "Platinum Scissors Award".

But oopsy-he has asked to participate not as a competitor, but as audience member for the show.

Now it's a matter of hilarious situations and undertones of jokes (if you don't listen carefully you will miss some that they try to slip by you) to try to get him into the competition.

Even though this guy is "English" he call pull off a "Scottish" accent as second nature and certainly makes this 5-dollar movie a delight to watch.

Just look at the cover and tell me you couldn't see him in the shot.

The Bee Movie (PG)

This Jerry Seinfeld created feature movie lets you in the world about Bee’s.  It has the same feel as those whose seen ‘Finding Nemo’ and ‘Shark Tales’ but nothing about the sea, but the Bee life.

I found parts of it funny as adults and very creative expressed to children.

The extras include a small demo of the game (which I had issues with Vista), coloring pages (about 6 of them), some honey related recipes, and 3 Skuduo game sheets.

Rent, but for the sake of any children under 10--purchase.

The 13th Warrior-R rated

Can you say a little 'Lord of the Rings' meets 'Braveheart'?

The first half of the movie is all Antonio (Banderas) with him being a upper class royal kind of dude.  Then due to fate he's number 13 in a band of warriors who must defeate an unknown "evil".

I believe the guy who through the sword at the end of the Braveheart movie was actucally in this one.  Don't recall names of characters.

Anyhow, once you realize Antonio has all the answers to uncover the "evil" and that there is lots of fight scenes and that you'll figure out who the "evil" are like right after the first fight scene then it's an okay movie.

The movie of 103 minutes flew by and as you zone out on the fight scenes you realize the movie could have been a little better...heck a LOT better written.

Rent not buy!

Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny (Rated R)

How many 'F' words and drug references can you put in one movie?

This is a nutty movie for adults and if you're a Jack Black fan you might get all the humor in this movie.  Go ahead and rent it, but for everyone else---PASS!

Team America World Police (Uncensored and Unrated)

They are puppets, but in this comedy they are bust out funny puppets!

Team America is a movie about a group of mixed people whose job it is to fight terrorism all over the world.

You don't have to be up on the latest news, but you do have to secure your funny bone because it will hurt like crazy.

If you don't enjoy how some top actors in Hollywood got involved into the war with their comments then watching this movie is even better.

From the guys who made 'South Park' TV show they have done an interesting movie (that you can wait until it comes down to a descent price) for all to enjoy.

In the uncensored version there is a LOT of 'F' words going on and a very gritty love scene between the puppets.

I give this movie an '8' on a scale of 1-10.  You will be taken in the story and enjoy it.  Rental for sure on a night you want a comedy.

TAXI (PG-13)

This movie starring Queen Latifah and Jimmy Fallon is another stupid, but funny comedy.

Queen Latifah plays a woman who gets involved with a rookie cop when he uses her taxi to go a bank robbery.

Later the two of them quickly find a way to stop this crime wave and everyone comes out looking good.

This is a rental for it's a charming story where you combine two opposites and still the story comes together.

You will love how they catch the bad guys.  Very original.

Tales of the Black Freighter (Rated R)

Based on and written in comic book form this short animation (26 minutes long) tells the story of a naval officer whose ship is raided by pirates and he is the lone survivor.

Then we watch as he begins to become a madman and bent on defending the ones he love back home from the same fate, however, in his single-sidedness he becomes the true enemy.

Voiced by Gerard Butler (and perhaps the only reason I picked it up) this is no ordinary tall tale.

Pass.  The story is too short and Gerard’s voice can only go so far in enjoying the movie.  Also there is some gross stuff in the story.

Taking Lives-Unrated Directors Cut

This movie should be a warning to those who bought this DVD and haven't opened it yet to say 'Take this lame movie back to the store' because it is not the hyped thriller that was advertised.

There are twists and turns-sure, but not enough to keep viewers interested to the end.  I checked my watched twenty minutes in and have figured out the entire plot and ending by then.

Angelina Jolie plays a FBI profiler (who seems to know everything like that main guy on CSI TV show) and comes into Canada to add to the police detectives (one played by Olivier Martinez) and the fun begins.

We have nothing, but Predictability in this movie and with every recorded twist in other stories is in this movie.  Bad guy gets away by running into a crowd, the bad guy may not be a bad guy, the minor love scene (if you get the unrated version you see Angelina chest in full view) and no one ever forgets how the sexist police don't want to work with a woman.

This movie does contain many gross scenes and most of the times I wanted to throw soda mixed with pop rocks candies to just get the slow story moving along.

This movie is for those who like the stories about serial killers and the way they think or their methods of their crimes, the fun of French actors lines being hard to sometimes understand even whem they are speaking English, and reading captions when they speak French when they are speaking French.  And even then you should rent it only.

The gag real is mildly funny.

Taking Lives-Unrated Directors Cut

This movie should be a warning to those who bought this DVD and haven't opened it yet to say 'Take this lame movie back to the store' because it is not the hyped thriller that was advertised.

There are twists and turns-sure, but not enough to keep viewers interested to the end.  I checked my watched twenty minutes in and have figured out the entire plot and ending by then.

Angelina Jolie plays a FBI profiler (who seems to know everything like that main guy on CSI TV show) and comes into Canada to add to the police detectives (one played by Olivier Martinez) and the fun begins.

We have nothing, but Predictability in this movie and with every recorded twist in other stories is in this movie.  Bad guy gets away by running into a crowd, the bad guy may not be a bad guy, the minor love scene (if you get the unrated version you see Angelina chest in full view) and no one ever forgets how the sexist police don't want to work with a woman.

This movie does contain many gross scenes and most of the times I wanted to throw soda mixed with pop rocks candies to just get the slow story moving along.

This movie is for those who like the stories about serial killers and the way they think or their methods of their crimes, the fun of French actors lines being hard to sometimes understand even whem they are speaking English, and reading captions when they speak French when they are speaking French.  And even then you should rent it only.

The gag real is mildly funny.

Suspect Zero (Rated R)

This is a Ben Kingsley movie masterpiece for being a thriller.  You travel with both a man, an FBI agent, and a mystery that connects the both of them.

There are missing children from coast to coast and a creapy person who tries to help an FBI agent clues to his/her trail of abductions.  How can this man be doing this?  Is he/she the abductor wanting to be caught?  Or could the mystery world of Remote Viewing (able to zone into the criminals mind) pressing all characters into play?

It kept me guessing until the very end and so will you.  9 Stars.

Superman Returns (PG-13)

When they said Brandon Routh has an eerie resemblance to the original Superman they weren't kidding.  In the first 15 minutes of the movie all your thinking about (at least for me) was how he and Christopher Reeves were born to play the man of steel.

The movie itself is pretty 'in your face' adventure, but sadly you don't have to be a reporter (and you wonder why the other reporters) to know the secret Lois Lane holds to herself.

Overall this is a purchase for the kids-or at least rental for the adults.

Super Bad (unrated)

The title says it all.  It was Super BAD.

Most of the time the unrated versions of movie makes a movie that much better, however, this movie can’t be saved with all the drug, swearing and anatomy references.

I picked up the combo movie with the sound track and fake I.D. in the package.  Even the soundtrack was BAD.


Summer of Sam (Rated R)

Welcome to the Summer of 1977 in NYC.  We have blackouts, record heat, looters, and MURDERS!

You get see Adrien Brody dressed up in punk attire and just so way out there that you can't help believe that he's not the same Oscar winner from the Pianist.

This records the time about the crazy man who goes around shooting brunettes for no other reason, except he's crazy and taking orders from a dog. 

If you need a movie with T&A, a transsexual, a bi Adrien, affairs, typical Italian "Mafia" sterotyping, and a movie that you need to watch if your under the influence of something, and some wicked 70's clothes and tons of 'F' words then sure rent this movie.

If you aren't so lame-then just save your cash and watch the A&E specials about it.  You'll enjoy the TV show more. 

It did keep me interested in where the story was going, but wasn't worth buying the DVD and now that I know where the story went--it wasn't worth renting either!  Best thing was the guy from 'The Practice' who plays the nut was very good.

Spoiler-the nut gets caught via parking ticket.


Suicide Kings (Rated R)

Suicide Kings is a movie that every person who has a man in their life-father, brother, boyfriend should have in their collection.

Less violent than any "mafia" type movie, but still has all the action in it.  It has betrayals, loyalty tested, and finally every twist and turn that makes a story what it should be-great!

What happens when a group of 30 something's kidnap mob boss, played wonderfully by Christopher Walken, so they can help out a fellow friend who is in a bind?  Mystery, suspense, and even dark humor.

When one of the men's sisters is kidnapped and held for 2 million dollar ransom that else do you think could help out, but a major crime boss?

Bit by bit the crime boss edges your view into what really is happening to their "from the seat of their pants" plan and why most of it comes from a pack of lies and half-truths.

Don't bother watching the alternative endings because the one they used in the film (and the one used on the big screen) is the best way to end this story.

Pick it up-foul language and mild grossness, but nothing compares to the GREAT story.

Still Crazy (Rated R)

When 'Strange Fruit' broke up 20 years ago no one thought they had it enough together to get together, but they are trying to prove them wrong.  Things certainly has changed since the 70's and thanks to a popularity for old bands getting back together these band members come together to give it a shot.

There is 'Spinal Tap' type humor and I found only 1 laugh out loud moment in the movie.  And champion to the men-it was a "fart" moment.

This movie is more of a drama comedy.

It is thanks to the acting of Billy Connolly as the bands old friend and rowdy that keeps this movie moving in some direction.  There is also an uncanny appearance of a man who plays the guitarist that reminds me of THE WHO's Pete Townsend and the missing guitarist as Jimmy Page look-a-like.

There is a moment where you believe the 'replacement guitarist' could be one of the bands kid, but the story didn't go that way.

Really this movie is pointless except for old folks trying to find the old magic.  The song however in the movie is catchy.

This movie has so many English/Scottish accent that some moments you have to listen closely to hear what they say.  But make the effort to hear the Scottish proverb that is said about...if you don't first succeed... (Too dirty to print).

For $5 bucks get it.  For full on comedy?  Don't.

Stargate Continuum (not rated)

Based on the popular TV show Stargate SG-1 we follow the story of how they finally rounded up all the one race of bad guys that were terrorizing the others, but with a twist that involves a time machine.

Rent if you have any knowledge of the show.

Spiderman 3 (PG-13)

This is another part of the trilogy of Spiderman and as they have stepped it up to a new level by bringing out new characters, Sandman and Phemonem, the story lacks.

If your collecting the Spiderman series then go ahead and add this one to your collection, however, if not-just rent this one.

The emotional basis of the story is over shadowed by some awesome action.

Something's Gotta Give (Rated R)

Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton

Jack is a playboy who falls for one of his date's mothers.  There is some butt showing (Jack's tush is not flabby at all) and some boobs of Diane Keaton as the drama has moments of laughter and some slow parts.

Your going to love adding this movie to your collection as it's a step above the "As Good as it Gets" (the Helen Hunt and Jack movie) and yet not too much of a "chick flick" that the men won't enjoy.

Keanu Reeves plays the doctor and if you can get by the past that it looks like he's botoxed his forehead then you see him making a move on Diane's character.

This is a charming story for 15 and over to enjoy!

Also it's a shame Diane covers up at the Award shows because she would look awesome in some ball grown or designer dress with her figure.

Sin City (Rated R)

This movie is pretty easy to describe.  Violent.  There is a wonderful way the story circles itself where the ending and beginning are truly tied together in the tale.

Also the actors do what they do best-act.

But unless you were a fan of the "Kill Bill" movies then you might first want to rent this movie and see if its for you.  I wish I rented it first, but then again I didn't purchase it.

Only one 'Behind-the-Scenes' item.

Eight out of Ten Stars.