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Friday, July 8, 2011

ARARAT (Rated R)

This movie is in the same league as Schindler's List as in telling a story of a horrid event that many never knew. 

The movie you believe is just a boy (the son) telling the story to a customs agent, played beautifully by Christopher Plummer, but it's really a story told by several people about the same thing. 

The story about the over a million people that died in the Armenia genocide during the Ottoman Empire using one main character of a little boy that grew up to leave a single painting to tell the story of his gruesomeness past.

It's about everyone telling a story about the denied story of their past through the only ways they know how, the son traveling to Turkey, the mother becoming an author, one of the many victims (the painter) revealing his past into one single piece of art that stood the test of time.  While the others are learning the story the customs agent, the stepsister, and you are being told of past events.

Keep an eye on the boy who played the son, Raffi, (David Alpay) because even though he's in his 20's he really makes this movie.

The beginning is slow, but nice history lessons and location scenes, and if you can understand symbolism then you shall love this movie.  I would wait until the $12.99 price comes around. 2.5 stars out of 5.

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