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Friday, July 8, 2011

Beyond Borders (Rated R)

Beyond Borders can be considered a documentary covering a span of ten years of the life of humanitarian relief workers if not the need to add a "love story" into the mix.

We are introduced (thanks to Clive Owen) of the problems of relief workers with having no money, no supplies, lots of sick people, and all this in the mist of wars.

A New York goody-goody rich woman, who apparently isn't happy with being married to a handsome man and RICH must help.

Does she write a check and leave it at that?  And what will occur with the rest of the hour and 22 minutes?  She decides to see the problem first hand.

Welcome to Ethiopia.  Where if your planning to eat during this movie you will begin to feel ill as you watch this part of the movie.  You've seen images on TV and it's just the same in the movie.

She returns to work for the UN to help out.  She isn't happy in her marriage and is enduring it for the sake of her son.

So years have passed and an old friend from the past returns asking for the UN's help.  Why-she invites herself along.  So welcome to Cambodia.

We learn that Dr. Nick (Clive) is transporting more supplies than just medicine-guns and documents.  A small issue occurs where the group must flee to safety.

Upon arrival again in the only tent that appears to be the nicest in the village Dr. Nick and Sarah (Angelina) hook up proving that if you have to worry about the family at home when you can 'can't love the one you the one you got'.    Be ready for less movement, but lots of tongue action.  Talking about tongue galore (and its on with the mouths!).

Back home for rich gal and we move forward and see another child has joined the family.

Oh!  Can't stop thinking about Dr. Nick and so we return to "make sure he's ok" after hearing some news that he might be hurt.

Involve the sister newspaper reporter (who looks nothing like a sister to Angelina) and get some leads.

Welcome to Chechnya where the war zone continues.  She pays the ones holding him captive money (they don't even try to take the money and/or rape her) and she sees him bound.

To motivate him to live she tells him her second child is his (I mean it could be...where are they going to buy protecting in the middle of nowhere?)


SPOILER:  The best parts of this movie are:

A. A land mine blows up Angelina on her way to get help for them.

B. You can never get enough of Clive's accent when he says 'Can't' and it keeps sounding like 'Count'.

I really enjoyed the surprise ending of what happens to Angelina's character and how the movie itself makes one think of what we can do for others less fortunate rather it be in another country, our own country, or even in our own neighborhoods.

The extras are well a lot of talk about the movie itself and one part about Angelina Jolie's Ambassador work.

I say rent this one-and acquire it for your collection when it comes down so you appear to have a worldly conscience.

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