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Friday, July 8, 2011

Grand Canyon-R rated

Another 5 dollar specials, but should be considered as a $9.99 low price.

It stars Steve Martin and Kevin Kline who should work more together because the movie worked perfectly for them to star in.

If you remember the movie, "The Big Chill" this is the same writer.

This movie about fate, chance, and how changes effects lives really made me wish I could be a part of this movie besides the one who bought it.  Why do things happen to us-for a reason?  Bad luck?  Which do you belive?

The Grand Canyon-while standing on its edge-you realize just how small life is compared to the huge whole in the ground below.  That is what relates to the title.

There is several cussing/gang violence referrences that's why its rated R, but for adults who like cleaver and makes you think movies then pick this up!

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