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Saturday, July 9, 2011

Resident Evil Apocalypse (Rated R)

There is a real good reason why this movie is rated R...because it's so damn good that kids just wouldn't understand!

That and the several 'F', 'S', and a topless scene in the movie.  Haha.

Even if you didn't see the original Resident Evil movie you get a semi-clear cut recap of what has happened.  A mutant virus has been released where within bitten you will become a zombie (yes I said zombie-as in undead) within two hours of being bit.  You will attack your family and friends for the need to feed.

This movie begins with our heroine waking up to find that the virus has spread so much that the large company, the Umbrella Corporation, that make the error has closed off the entire city (Raccoon City) and left any survivors fend themselves against the zombies.

 If you have any ammo and you're a great shot you can kill them with a shot to the head.  Other from that-leave the bullet for you or be "eaten".

You have our heroine meeting up with a small band of people trying to survive and get the truth out of what has happened.

Unlike the first one we don't have the over abundance of zombie and zombie biting, which is good and we also have ODED FEHR, which is BETTER THAN GOOD.  He's in his 'off to kill the zombies' outfit for the movie, but you can't hide the hard-built body underneath.

If you get the extras check out the 'bloopers' and more importantly go back and listen to the commentary given by Milla, Oded, & Sienna.  Sienna sounds as if she wasn't in the same room as the other two, but with Milla and Oded you hear that they must have had a wonderful time while making the movie.

There is a set-up for a third one and let us hope that Oded returns for it.

Here is an insider tip:  the zombie that attacks Oded is the lead singer of Evanesce.

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